Pupil Councils
HEad Pupils
The role of 'Head Pupil' is the most responsible role in the school, and these children have many important duties and responsibilities.
Head Pupils are
Year 6 - Lily K and Daniel O
Here at Boxgrove Primary we have an established and extremely active School Council. We have two representatives from Years 2 - 6 who are actively involved in many areas of school life, with an explicit focus on making the school more environmentally friendly and ecologically aware. They also lead on many fund-raising activities for a variety of charities.
Current members are
Year 6 - Hanan H and Jessica A
Year 5 - Mitko B and Helder P
Year 4 - Ryan U and Naomi K
Year 3 - Rita P and Naila H
Year 2 - Ava Atkinson and Amina B
They are the voice of all pupils at Boxgrove and take their role extremely seriously. We elect new members via a secret ballot during the Autumn Term.
Junior travel ambassadors
We have secured our Bronze STARS award for sustainable travel, and we are working towards our silver accreditation. Many of our families walk, cycle or scoot to school to support us with this vision.
Current ambassadors are
Elijah, Rebecca, Angelina, Abdulsalam, Sikemi, Layla